Addicted to Self Help Books?
Yesterday I was spending the day with Keila before she goes back to college. We met John for lunch, went shopping, hung out at the book store and ended up at Central Market. While at the bookstore, Keila made a comment about all the “self help” books I have around the house. To be honest, I have a bookcase full of things that promise a clean house, real mannered children, perfect marriage and a thinner body. Truthfully, I have not read much of the ones I have bought. (Maybe I should)
Keilas comment and my collection of books made me think about the large amount of money we as Americans spend on books trying to tell us how to live our lives, organize our homes, have better marriages, lose weight, parent, etc.
As I look around my house, evaluate my life, I realize that either I should read the books or get off my butt and get motivated. I really do not need a book to tell me to stop eating high fat foods, work out, pick up what I get out and not beat my children. I think today, I will work out by tossing all the books that are cluttering up my home and just live my life.
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