Friday Follies~Just random useless thoughts~

To lap band or not?  Do I break down and take the easy way to weight loss, by having a rubber band surgically rapped around my stomach to force me to eat less or puke?

I think my dog Millie is a binge eater.  No matter how much the little nugget eats, she comes back for more.  She even has this look of addiction in her little brown eyes.

Bald is beautiful!!!  I have a baldy for a hubby and wouldn’t want it any other way.  Plus, I can buy the expensive shampoo since we are not spending tons on products to save his hair.

There is justice.  Did you hear about the thief in Wilmington, Delaware?  He apparently broke into a home back in April.  So the homeowner installed locks in his home that required keys from the inside as well as the outside. So John Finch breaks in to the house a second time and realizes he can not get out.  So he spends a few days hanging out, drinks the owner’s liquor and becomes too drunk to find his way out.  What’s a thief to do? Call 911 of course.  My question, where was the homeowner?

Chupacabra or Hairless Raccoon?  Did you know that there are Chupacabra out there?  We here is Wise County Texas are quiet proud of ours.  It does seem that Frankfort, Kentucky houses a few of these nasty little creatures too. 
The mythical chupacabra has been a mystery since 1995, with sightings reported all over the United States, from Texas to Maine. The legend says the elusive dog-like creature attacks livestock, bleeding them dry of blood — their favorite being goats.
It is not mange, which has been the case with chupacabra sightings in the West, which have mainly been coyotes with mange. In the East, the hairless creatures are suffering a skin disorder similar to alopecia in humans.
I say let the legend continue, one day there might be a book that leads to a movie that has moms and daughters alike feigning over the romance between the girl, the chupacabra and big foot.  One never knows. 


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