New Beginnings...

~ What appears to be the end may really be a new beginning. ~ unknown

I’ve often heard that God does not close a door without opening a window.  I may have even used this quote when trying to encourage a friend in need.  I will say that when used on me in a time of despair that quote only irritated me. 
What I have learned now is that sometimes things in our lives may need to end before a new beginning can take place.
I left a job I loved and learned that friends I thought were trustworthy were not.  I have spent a few months now, mad, hurt and feeling wounded, maybe even abandoned by a God I love so much.  What I am learning is that God does not abandon us, we turn our back on Him, humans fail and friends bail.  God’s timing really is not our timing and when He is ready for us to grow, move and be challenge, circumstances will present themselves.
What I thought a few months ago was a devastating event in my life and career may end up being a huge blessing. 
So here’s to new beginnings.


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