2011....Bring it On

2010 is closing to an end and the struggle of Resolutions is weighing on my mind.  What to fail at?  What to consider giving up to make myself better?  Has anyone ever really stuck to a New Year’s Resolution? 
I bought a book about Organizing one’s life and home in a year.  I think I bought it a few months ago and while looking online for new books to read I see that there is already a “revised” version. Does that mean the book was really good and it needs a new addition or that the book stinks and the author needed to add a few things?  I think I may tackle the book and see if in fact I can organize my life and home in a year. 
In preparation for the New Year, I have begun to purge the house. I found in 2010 I learned about true friendship and without intending to, purged a few relationships I thought were true.  In 2011, I plan on purging the rest of my life of things that do not bring me joy, plastic bowls without lids and vice versa, clothes that I can no longer wear, shoes that I wonder what in the world I was thinking, and so on.
In 2011 I plan to spend more time with family and friends, to slow down and enjoy life, to make memories with my husband and children, to spend time with God and hopefully, to finish up some things around the casa.   
I find new beginnings to be a chance to reevaluate ones life and to learn from the past and prepare better for the future.  I’m looking forward to the new things I will learn about myself in 2011. 


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