
It has been said that “friends are a dime a dozen”.  I think I want my money back.  But wait, don’t we get .what we paid for?  So the next time I venture out in to the realm of female friends, I think I will be more inclined to invest in a higher caliber of friend.

Or was it that we should not “let one bad apple spoil the whole bushel”?  Maybe that is it.  I have some amazing female friends that I would trust to raise my children, however I have experience one recently that has made me rethink what it was like to be in junior high for a second time.  The great part has been that her behavior has allowed me to show my teenage daughters that some women never outgrow their need to hurt, betray or be mean. 

So to all the mean girls who grew up to be mean women, thank you for allowing me to use you as an example to my daughters. 


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