NFL VS Economy

Is it just me, but doesn’t our president have more important things to do with his time then call an NFL owner, offering praise for rehiring a felon? I’m tickled that Michael Vick did his time and is now a “reformed” new man.  Is that not how the system is supposed to work?  One breaks the law, pays the time for the crime and when the appropriate time passes they are released and we as the people expect them to follow the rules of the land moving forward.  Why is Michael Vick more important then the next man on the street?  Does Obama now have time to call all employers who hire reformed felons?  I know for a fact a company in my town gives second chances to those who have strayed and I’m certain the sitting president did not call them.  So my question is; was this a political move, media event, or the start of a new friendship for financial donations in the next election?  Here we bash Sarah Palin for her books and reality show, but isn’t it about the same thing, using the media for attention, political gain? 
The difference in my opinion is that the economy, unemployment, terrorism, potential additional wars and an ongoing war is not riding on the shoulders of Sarah Palin. Doesn’t Obama have enough on his plate then to take time out to cozy up to the Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie?


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