Too Much MTV or what?

I was sitting at a middle school basketball game when I heard about an eighth grade girl who is having sex with her ninth grade boyfriend.  She said, "I don't really care if I get pregnant, since I know we will always be together."
I bet you are shaking your head, saying "Oh no she didn't".  It makes me think to my own youth and the girls that were sleeping around.  They were considered easy, trashy, and girls one was not to hang out with.  Today, girls who aren't sleeping around are the odd ones out.  What is happening in our world, with our teens that sex is as common as seeing a Sonic in a small town.  Sex has become the "hello" of old.  My daughter and I were talking about how strange it will be for class reunions, when they all get together and realize they have all "gotten" together already. 
The loss of innocence and the anticipation of losing "it", makes me sad for younger generations.  I hope that something changes and Teen Mom is no longer the entertainment norm for our kids, but how about Teen Virgins Rock or Keeping My Virginity a Little Longer, or finally, Heck No I Don't Want an STD.  Do you think MTV would buy it?


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