Tradition, where did it go?
What has happened to society and families with traditional beliefs and values? It seemed that each year, the traditions of the past are just that, in the past. I long for the simpler life when family spent time together, talking, learning about each others lives and dreams. It seems that now family time has to compete with cell phone texting, facebook updates, instant messages, and any other electronic device one can think of.
Last night we took the kids to the movies and I look around and they are each curled up texting during the previews. I told them I would take up their phones until January if they could not keep them put up until the movie was over.
One daughter picked spending four days with her granddad for a family Christmas trip and texted her older sister the entire time she was gone. I wonder what information she missed by having her fingers glued to a keyboard. One daughter spends so much time texting I don’t think she hears but half of what we say. One son can literally take out the trash while texting. One son thinks that to be “cool” with his girlfriend he needs an IPhone. One of the younger kids asked for a phone for Christmas. I’m essentially jealous of my husband’s IPhone, I think she gets more of his attention then I do. When did we become a world of instant gratification? When did “virtual” life replace real life relationships? How does one get back to a slower pace life where one has time to enjoy a sunset, sunrise, family dinner, or a movie? I think I am going to declare blocks of time in our day a “no electronic” zone. Wish me luck.
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