Friday Ramblins'

Why are we here in Texas, hearing so little about the missing cheerleader in Colorado City?

Polly Klaas' father joins search for teen
Hailey Dunn, 13, has been missing since December  
Her mother's boyfriend is the focus of the investigation
Both mother, boyfriend have failed polygraph tests

Sandra Bullocks ex, Jesse James is engaged to Kat Von D, tattoo artist.  How long should one be divorced before they are back in the saddle?

Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’s will travel to Texas Friday to continue her recovery from a gunshot wound to the brain.  Texas surgeon says the wounded congresswoman is "not quite ready for rehabilitation”.   Wow, that is amazing and prayers are answered.

Not surprised about this one at all.  Octomom makes a fetish video.

Date night tomorrow with the hubby.

56% of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin

George Clooney contracted Malaria.  $10 can save a life.


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