Lap Band

I have spent most of my life battling the bulge.  I have tried every program and diet known to woman. Jenny Craig.  Check.  Weight Watchers. Check.  Diet pills.  Double check.  Cabbage soup diet, gassy, but check.
I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds over a lifetime. Honestly, at times even managed to keep it off longer then a week or two.  But I have had it.  I’m tired of clothes not fitting, waking up in the morning and dreading a day or even worse, having to see people who saw me five years ago when I was successful at weight loss.

My last real success was in part due to a divorce, that diet took about 150 lbs with it.  I really think I am too old to divorce again and start back in the nightmarish world of dating.  So John, you are safe for now.  I have made the decision to start the procedure for a lap band. 

I’m thinking lap band this spring, new boobs next. 


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