What is Alfred Hitchcock thinking about birds now...
Ever since I saw Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds, I have been a bit uneasy when I see huge flocks of birds. I have never been one of those folks that find the feathering flying objects fascinating. In fact, I prefer the fried ones from KFC.
Birds are mysteriously falling from the sky dead. Is it New Year’s Eve fireworks, power lines, some sort of virus, or cult like bird mass suicide? Will the environmentalists say it stems from the ozone, oil spill off of the Gulf of Mexico, or will they blame it on terrorists trying to invade America through birds?
I am curious what is causing this phenomenon and what I have read is that it is not uncommon for birds to do this, just randomly fall from the sky, after all that is where they spend a large part of their time. How much money will our government spend trying to sort this out? How much of our tax payer dollars will go to test, treat and analyze birds, while we have children dying of hunger, men and women losing their homes due to lack of jobs?
I am not in the panic mode just yet, however, when pigs fly….
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