Who is To Blame?
What happened to ownership of oneself? When did we shift gears and start the blame game? When did we turn into a society of victims? According to the news reports, Sarah Palin is partially to blame for a 22 year old man shooting up a crowd, killing six and wounding a congresswoman.
Now I do believe that we are accountable for the words we use, but I do not think that Sarah Palin or anyone else is to blame for the actions of a young man.
When we as a society prefer to pass blame on each other, where does that leave us? One beats their children and blames it on their own childhood abuser. One molests children or rapes and they blame it on their own childhood molester. A spouse cheats and blames their partner. Teens shoot up a school and the video games they play are to blame. When do we hold the actions of the individual to blame?
As a nation, we say a teen is old enough, responsible enough to drive at sixteen, marry at eighteen, serve in the armed forces at eighteen, and drink at twenty one. I would say by our standards, a man of twenty two who shoots and kills, is responsible for his own actions.
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