Why Make Rules if We Arent' Going to Follow Them?
Couple ticketed after dash to hospital for baby
Is it just me or is anyone else tired of hearing about the poor dad in New Hampshire that got a speeding ticket coming out of the delivery room? I mean come on 102 miles per hour? Is that not a tad bit excessive under any circumstance?
Let’s do the “what if” game for a minute. What if he flipped his car, killing not only his about to be born son, his wife and himself? That would have left his young daughter without her entire immediate family.
What if he had caused another innocent family their lives or the life of their precious child?
What if a random animal had ran out in front of him, causing him to swerve, which then caused another car to swerve and before one knows it there is a pile up on the interstate? Ok, a little extreme, continuing on, the hospital is then put in over drive, the insurance agencies are going crazy with claims, and now all of our premiums are raised.
Is part of what is wrong with society, that there is this expectation that one can break rules, break laws and justify them? When is a wrong a wrong? When is just doing the right thing a good thing? Why do we as a general rule believe that we can do whatever the heck we want and screw the rest of them?
Do I think this man should lose his license? No, that would only add a burden to his family. Do I think he needed a speedy ticket? You betcha!
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